Monday, October 01, 2007


Recently I've been buying half-caf beans trying to cut back my intake.

I don't know why?

But, yesterday I was at
Pete's, and had a hankering for some Major D's, I just couldn't see altering my favorite blend. So, this morning I brewed my first pot of full strength coffee in a while.


Caffeine increases heartbeat, respiration, basal metabolic rate, and the production of stomach acid and urine; and it relaxes smooth muscles, notably the bronchial muscle. These symptoms start anywhere from fifteen to forty five minutes after caffeine is consumed, except the central nervous system which is hit between thirty and sixty minutes after ingestion.

The amount of caffeine in the blood reaching the brain determines the severity of its effects on the body.

For the average non-smoking adult the effects last about five to seven hours.

Doses of over 750 mg (7 cups of coffee) can produce a reaction similar to an anxiety attack, including delirium, ringing ears, and light flashes. These amounts of caffeine may come from a single dose or from many doses in a short period of time.

1 comment: said...

7 cups?

wait, is that 8oz cups?

mmm, ok ... i've prolly come close to that sort of craziness.