Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Fruit, fruit, good for the heart...

So, we've got these fruit trees in our yard. They are loaded with fruit. We have red plums and yellow plums. They are actually very good. I have never before picked fruit directly off a tree and eaten it.

But, who needs 10 plum trees?

The dogs, unfortunately have also discovered the delicious sweet red and yellow fruits. Some of the branches were so full they could no longer support their own weight and touched the ground. So, Phanny was able to eat fresh fruit, picked directly off the tree as well.

It was time to do something. I cut three huge branches off the trees. And then I picked the fruit that looked like it would be touching each other after fully grown. And I picked, and picked, and picked, got a ladder and picked, climbed into one tree and picked.

I filled this trash can FOUR times with plums and still didn't get it all. At first I picked and dropped in the can. Too hard. So, I just picked and dropped on the ground to be picked up when I finished.

I swear the dogs thought they were in heaven. They sat at the bottom of the hill, let the fruit roll down to them, and ate as quickly as they could. I think they got their fill though because both stopped and took a nap.

You know what happens when you eat too many plums...imagine that for two dogs. Oh boy am I in trouble if Phanny (the Phantom Menace) keeps eating plums even after she grows to 120lbs.


Velo Bella said...

those paws are dangerously big

oh my said...

gawd, that's a cute dawg