Sunday, May 27, 2007

Chalk Up Another One

Mount Hamilton is a mountain in California's Diablo Range. In 1861, while working for Josiah D. Whitney on the first California Geological Survey, William H. Brewer invited local San Jose preacher (and Brewer's personal friend) Laurentine Hamilton to join his company on a trek to a nearby summit. Nearing completion of their journey, Hamilton, in good humor, bounded for the summit ahead of the rest of the men and claimed his stake. In fact, Brewer suggested the mountain be named after Hamilton only after Whitney declined to have the mountain named after him (a different mountain was later named Mount Whitney).

Mount Hamilton Road Race is a bicycle race in the NCNCA sponsored by Network Control (who I cannot link to because it goes to the old five-wire url but there is nothing there, anywho...kudos for the sponsorship). In 2007, while riding for Robert Pasco and the Safeway/G•A Communications team, Michael Hernandez invited local San Jose/Rancho Cordova preacher (and Hernandez's personal friend) the right Reverend Daniel Martin to join his band of black clad men on a "Trek" to a nearby summit. Nearing completion of their journey, Martin, in good humor, bounded for the finish line ahead of the rest of the geezers and claimed his stake. In fact, Hernandez suggested the mountain be named after Martin only after Pasco declined to have the mountain named after him (a different mountain was earlier named Mount Pasco). The California Geological Society denied Hernandez's request on the grounds that a Mount Martin already exists...bummer.

Haven't got the full report yet but rumor has it Taz took top honors in the Mt Hammerfest geezer race.

Fire I tell you, that boy is on fire!

In coherance with the newest of MIB traditions,
it is rumored that you might find this tattoo
on the upper right arm of our very own TAZ?

OK maybe not. But it would be funny...
....wouldn't it?

Good luck at the Memorial Day a veteran, shouldn't I be there?

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