Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Economy Class

You've got to be freakin' kidding me!

So, I'm trying to get a little work done on the flight and the woman in front of me immediately slams her seat back into my lap totally violating my space!

I let out a groan load enough for her man friend to hear and he apologizes but she doesn't adjust back up even the slightest bit.

I try to read but can't concentrate.

Food comes around and I buy, that's right buy, a salad. But, I can't get my mouth over the plastic container to eat it and pieces keep falling in my lap. So, I pick it up and put it under my chin and ever so gracefully shovel it into my mouth. Good thing I got a shot glass full of water to wash it down with though. But hey, I'll just break out my litre of water, the one I always have, oh yeah, no liquids are to be brought on the plane.

I can't concentrate so my book is no good and the table is useless for doing a crossword puzzle.

I'll watch the cartoon Wild, it looks cute. But, the bobblehead in front of me can't seem to hold still. Oh, she lost something. Could be the reading glasses she dropped about half an hour ago. I tried to pick them up but couldn't reach because her seat prevented me from leaning far enough forward. Finally I offer up help, provided she move her seat. She does, and actually leaves it forward for about half an hour.

Ahhhhhh, space.

I curl up against the window and put the iPod on,

my world, stay out....wait, can I get another shot of water?


vonBlucher said...

Too bad you couldn't just walk up front and fly the thing. Plenty of water supplied up there I guess.

PAB(a.k.a.CID) said...

and people look at me funny when I say I don't fly....

dude, you gotta start working closer to home....

vonBlucher said...

I have just been informed by a six year old young lady that the best way to load passengers into a (lego) airplane is to "rip the top off and put them in their seats". Rough on the jet, but it gets things done. Memo forwarded to the industry in the AM.