Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Customer Service?

I get to the Atlanta Airport

Shuffle off the airplane

Jump on the train

Jump on the bus

And arrive at the car lot to pick up my rental. Except, I don't have one, I mean I started to book one, but missed the last step and never got confirmation.

"I'm sorry sir, we are sold car"

So I go back to the terminal, go the the USO, get on a computer, go to the website to find my confirmation, realize I didn't finish the booking, so try to reserve again...FOR RIGHT NOW!


I get back on the bus...
back to the lot...
get in my car...
a Mustang (even though I asked for something that gets better mileage) and drive to my Mom and Dad's

Wouldn't it have been easier to just rent me the car

While I was standing in the PREFERRED CUSTOMER kiosk

Instead of making me go find a computer and book it on line.

Apparently that is not the way they do business.

Apparently Avis needs to Try Harder...
and read this book.

I guess it would have been
easier for me...but not
necessarliy for them?


PAB(a.k.a.CID) said...

and people still ask me why i don't fly.

it's not just the being on the plane that sucks, its all the bs before and after.

plus you have to interct with way too many humans...

X Bunny said...

you should asked the rental place if you could borrow their computer...

Lothar Glerbny said...

I did...