Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Team Training Camp Idea

Not Your Typical Training Camp

Cyclists must endure the hardest training and competition regimen of all athletes. The ancient science of Classical Yoga is the perfect compliment to modern scientific training methods. Yoga is a complete method of training- it’s not just postures! The flexible cats at the Sivananda Yoga Farm in SoCal (where else?) are offering a week-long Yoga & Sports Camp with 2 Yoga asanas classes a day, workshops, testing and personalized advice, there is plenty to keep you motivated and take your cycling to the next level.

I can totally see oV doing this!

Yoga combines all key aspects of performance into an integrated whole:

- Movement
- Breathing
- Recovery & Relaxation
- Diet
- Positive Thinking, Visualization & Meditation

And if that isn't reason enough to go here's a little something something for VB:

a San Francisco community center is offering naked yoga, where bare essentials means just that: Men and women are completely nude during the 90- minute class.


Ron Castia said...

One question.
During the nude Yoga, what the heck do you do with the tent post?

Perhaps a quick trip to the rest room to clear the mind before all the destractions? Yeah, that would last about 10 minutes.

"Geezer cyclist" is french for "Horny Fit Old Man".

PAB(a.k.a.CID) said...

i've seen Ov in those positions...not naked, though.

that'd been kinda gay.


and PAB don't bend like that...

Velo Bella said...

You know, I was thinking. That nude yoga is actually pretty practical.

I was thinking about starting up yoga a few nights per week. And then I thought about how I would have to remember to not only bring bike clothes and gear, but also yoga clothes and gear (okay, just a mat, but still..) and then I would have even more stuff in the laundry basket (okay, michael does it, but still..)
and so this nude yoga would like solve all of that.

X Bunny said...


norcalcyclingnews.com said...

somethings ... i don't need to see.