Wednesday, April 19, 2006

TdG Stage 2

Now this is what I'm talking about. Alejandro Acton? from Target Training got off the front of the race at the very beginning...and stayed off until the bottom of the hill in the circuit. What a great ride! Considering the weather and all...huge brasstown balls.

So, I wanted to go to the Sprint in Rockmart but realized that 1) With the weather being as bad as it was (hail and all) the roads were going to be a mess and I might miss the finish 2) the best route to the finish was the race course which I probably would not be able to drive on...hmmm, and me without my bike...Decision, go to my favorite coffee shop, now that I have some extra time, grab a big cup full'o joe, and then head direct to the finish.

I caught the 4 laps of the Circuit in Rome, GA. Watched 2 laps from the hill and 2 from the finish line. The circuit was cool. It was horseshoe shaped and the hill and finish were on the inside opposites. The hill kinda reminded me of Cat's Hill but a little longer. The crowds were great. What a turn out. And really into the race.
I am Lothar of the Hill People.

The hill was the decider. Popovych hammered the hill the first time and passed half the guys between him and the front. Getting himself in position...or, trying his winning move? On the final lap he hammered up the hill again. Gapped everyone. Held it over the top, down the other side, around the corners, had a 50-80m lead coming onto the finishing straightaway and kept it the whole 400m to the finish line. When he came around the corner on his own it was so cool. J.J. Haedo was chasing but just wasn't closing the gap fast enough. Fast Freddy was right on his wheel but couldn't come around him. The finish was a little downhill so that may have helped. Floyd and the Phonak boys took 7/8/9. cool! Popovych now has the overall lead, FF has the sprint jersey after two days on the podium, Kirk O'bee from HealthNet got the KOM.






Anonymous said...


After chillin at SC and then doin Copper I was really starting to like you.

BUT, after reading such detail about how cool it is to be at the TDG I'm starting to re-think that stance.

Nahhhh I still like ya.

Have fun and drink some Joe for us Cali boyz.


PAB(a.k.a.CID) said...

cool t-shirt.

Lothar Glerbny said...

"PAB said... cool t-shirt."

Thanks, my friends gave it to me!

X Bunny said...

is that your 'at ease' pose?

Lothar Glerbny said...

Hiding a "water bottle" behind my back ;).

PAB(a.k.a.CID) said...

was it a light or dark "water bottle"?