Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Damn Diet Gremlins

So, I'm sitting here
in my hotel
in the ATL
having finished my grilled
chicken breast
and salad
and vegetable dinner...

...and I get this
for chocolate,
Ice Cream

I walk down the hall, a vending machine

York Peppermint Patties
decisions, decisions

M&Ms it is!

Take my dollar, no
Take my dollar, no
Take my dollar, no
Take my dollar, no
Take my dollar, OK

Give me M&Ms, no
Give me M&Ms, no
Give me York, no
Give me Snickers, no
Give me M&Ms, no

Damn it!

Maybe I have something sweet out in my car?
Maybe even just a PowerBar
Vanilla Crisp
Cookies and Cream
Anything (yeah lame, I know)

I stop by the front desk,
"you should have someone
look at that machine,
it ate my dollar"

And there they sit...a basket of apples.

OK, I got it, an apple it is....Damn it, I still want chocolate!


norcalcyclingnews.com said...

don't you hate the diet gods?

Lothar Glerbny said...

I lost 20 pounds...do I have to lose more?

I know, only if I want to go over the top of the hills anywhere near the front!

But, mass = momentum, good for crits and TTs, right?

norcalcyclingnews.com said...

you're funny

Velo Bella said...

oops, that ^ was me. But I just realized it would be funnier if I didn't explain that

norcalcyclingnews.com said...

i was in the shower.

X Bunny said...

you guys are funny