Wednesday, May 10, 2006

You thought I was kidding?

Another rainy is unfortunate that I am so lazy. It was just cloudy when I got to work. So, I could have, should have, gone for a ride first thing. Of course, then what would my excuse have been for not flying?

Oh, I can't fly in clouds...that's right. It has been so long since I last flew that my first flights cannot be into instrument conditions.

Probably a good rule!

So, let me see...what can I do...hmmmmmmmm.

Hey, isn't there a bike race thingy on TV. Nope, but there is on

All that I need is internet access, a big TV, a cushy sofa, and a good cup of coffee.

Got it all right here.

But, wait, it's a transfer day. They are done racing in Belgium and they are on their way to Italia. That sucks! But, I haven't seen Stage 1 or Stage 3 or Stage 4.....better make some more coffee.

Look, it is even raining on TV!

Those guys look NOT happy.

But, it's PPV.

Maybe Stage 4 will be sunny. I'll save that for the hotel room later.

Or I could watch CSI: Topeka?

Inspired, off to the gym for 45 minutes on the spin bike.



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